SBC Conduct First-Ever Virtual Traffic Commissioner's Public Inquiry | Smith Bowyer Clarke

Expert team of Barristers and Solicitors with years of experience in providing advice and representation in Road Transport Law.

SBC Conduct First-Ever Virtual Traffic Commissioner’s Public Inquiry

 Simon Clarke acted for the Applicant in the first-ever virtual Public Inquiry, held this morning over MS Teams conferencing technology. Traffic Commissioner Kevin Rooney (West of England) presided over the application for a Standard International Licence, with documents forwarded by email for consideration at the PI. All participants joined the Inquiry from home and were able to fully engage with the PI, with TC Rooney leading the hearing and taking evidence from the applicant and hearing and responding to submissions advanced by Simon Clarke. In a hearing lasting some 25-minutes the TC granted the Standard International Operators’ Licence.  Now that this Virtual Public Inquiry process has been test-driven, it is likely to be rolled-out for future PI’s.  Yet again SBC are at the forefront of developments in this highly specialised area of law, leading the way and securing the best outcome for our clients.

Case Details

Case Name: SBC Conduct First-Ever Virtual Traffic Commissioner’s Public Inquiry
Case Date: April 2020
Case Type (info): Public Inquiry

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