No Action taken at Preliminary Hearing and 25 Trailer Increase Granted. | Smith Bowyer Clarke

Expert team of Barristers and Solicitors with years of experience in providing advice and representation in Road Transport Law.

No Action taken at Preliminary Hearing and 25 Trailer Increase Granted.

This operator, represented by barrister Millicent Dooher, was called in to the Office of the Traffic Commissioner for a preliminary hearing to review the Company’s compliance and consider an increase in number of vehicles.  Issues were identified on MOT pass rates, change of personnel, short walk around checks and problems with maintenance inspections. Following evidence from the director and submissions from Millicent, the Traffic Commissioner accepted that the Company were making significant and effective changes. No action was taken on the licence and the increase in vehicles was granted in full.

Case Details

Case Name: No Action taken at Preliminary Hearing and 25 Trailer Increase Granted.
Case Date: June 2022
Case Type (info): Public Inquiry

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